Payment Options
Individual: 35,879 UGX
Family: 71,757 UGX
Extended Family: 186,568 UGX
Single Instalment
Individual: 157,865 UGX
Family: 308,555 UGX
Extended Family: 771,388 UGX
Payment Options
Individual: 71,757 UGX
Family: 143,515 UGX
Extended Family: 373,136 UGX
Single Instalment
Individual: 315,731 UGX
Family: 617,110 UGX
Extended Family: 1,542,776 UGX
Payment Options
Individual: 107,636 UGX
Family: 215,271 UGX
Extended Family: 559,705 UGX
Single Instalment
Individual: 473,596 UGX
Family: 925,665 UGX
Extended Family: 2,314,163 UGX
Alfa & Omega Family Life Plan
Simply stated, funeral insurance is a life insurance policy designed to pay for your funeral, burial, and other “final expenses.
” Funeral insurance may also be referred to as burial insurance, final expense insurance, or pre-need insurance.
For simplicity, we just call it funeral insurance.
1What is Alfa & Omega Family Life Plan?
It is an insurance cover that makes planning for a funeral easier on your loved ones.
2. Who can apply?
Anyone in good health ages between 18-70 (inclusive)
3. Who is covered under Alfa & Omega Family Life Plan?
Based on the option, below apply:
- Anyone in good health ages between 18-70 (inclusive) for individual option.
- Main member along with his/her spouse ages 18-70 (inclusive) and their children aged between one month to 18 years (inclusive).
- Main member, his/her spouse, children, and the parents and parents-in-law ages of 18-70 (inclusive).
4. Is there a waiting period?
Yes, there is a 6 months waiting period in case of a natural death from the date of the first premium payment. Accidental deaths are covered immediately.
5. What is the cost?
The cost depends on the cover option that you have chosen. The cover will last for five years annually renewable or single premium payment from the date of the first premium. The premiums are payable annually at the beginning of the insurance period.
6. Can the Family Life Cover or Extended Family be reinstated after a claim is paid?
Yes, it can. It will be treated as a new policy subject to the normal waiting period of 6months on natural death.
7. When does the Policy terminate?
The policy will terminate on the earliest of the following dates:
- Death of any insured life.
- Where no renewal annual premium payment has been made.
8. Can the policy be renewed?
Yes, one can renew the policy by completing a renewal update form and paying the premium.
The 6 months waiting period applies on renewals not done after 30 days from the maturity date
9 Claims Processing
Upon the occurrence of the insured risk, CIC Insurance Company shall be notified by phone, e-mail, or by visiting our office.
The following documents shall be required to facilitate claims processing;
- A duly completed claim form was provided by CIC.
- Proof of death or disability (death certificate/ LC letter for death Claims and a doctor’s report for disability claims)
- Statement of accounts of the insured
- National identification card, Drivers license, passport of the insured
- Original application form / Policy document. All fully documented claims shall be settled within 48hrs from the date of receipt.
10. How do I contact You?
- +256 750 391189
- +256 750 390841
- +256 776 901410